DBF's 2016 End of Year Update

Feliz Navidad from Dénia!

As we reflect upon 2016, we are grateful for the many ways people like you supported Alfa & Omega this past year.  Your prayers, your hard work, and your financial support made a huge difference.  Alfa & Omega continues to thrive in the Costa Blanca.  ¡GRACIAS!
We are pleased to report that in Denia Bridges Foundation’s inaugural year,16 donors provided $15,000 to Alfa & Omega which supported the following two projects:

  • Student Scholarships
  • Classroom Renovations

DBF donors helped fund badly needed these classroom renovations!


DBF donors also helped provide need-based scholarships to A&O students!

DBF donors also helped provide need-based scholarships to A&O students!

Our goal for 2017 is to double both the number of donors and the total donations!
As you plan your end of the year giving, we hope you will join me and my family in supporting the following projects for 2017:

Student Scholarships:
The Spanish economic crisis is still very real for some families in the Alfa & Omega community. Many families from the church community can no longer afford the tuition.
International Volunteer Program:
Young adults from around the world come to Dénia to serve for 6-12 months. Many use the time as a gap year. This program is tranformational for young adults.
Bachillerato Program
A&O needs seed funding to launch the building project for the two-year college preparatory program.

May you be blessed
With the spirit of the season, which is peace,
The gladness of the season, which is hope,
And the heart of the season, which is love.”
Scott Johnson
President of the DBF Board


Our mailing address is:
Dénia Bridges Foundation
PO Box 7749
Menlo Park, CA 94026